My Story
Why are you here and spending your precious time reading these lines? Because, maybe you had a nudge, you had a discomfort, or something inside you made you look for answers. You are here because you deserve much more than you currently have, so much more.
How do I know that? I was in your shoes; I felt that nudge, too; I felt unsatisfied, I felt alone, I felt unhappy, too.
If anything you've read so far resonates with you, then I encourage you to continue reading.
My journey of self-discovery truly started during the pandemic, but the nudge and that inner feeling have been with me since I was a child.
I've always felt inadequate, unseen, weird, not understood by my parents, family and even friends.
I had a deep feeling that there was something more about this life than what my parents and society were trying to teach me.
It was my higher self guiding me and keeping me curious so I could look for answers in books, videos, and all sorts of materials.
My true transformation, though, happened in 2023 when, after a big nudge from my higher self, I dared to take the first step towards self-discovery, and that was when I told my husband that I wanted to do things on my own and I wanted to discover who I am. We've been together since we were 15 years old. And after 22 years of relationship and 11 of marriage, I asked for a separation.
It was one of the most challenging things I ever done. I jumped from the cliff without seeing the net but with the trust and faith that this was exactly what I needed to do.
And when you hit the foundation, the entire tower starts crumbling, which happened with my life. I started losing one by one, my health, my peace, my stability, and I felt, at times, that I was losing my mind as well.
And still, after 10 months of gruesome ups and downs, challenges and pains, I felt the old self crumbling and the new, shiny, pure light coming through. My true self, the real me, stepped in. A person full of confidence, into her power, free and happy.
My path of self-discovery was a hard, challenging one because I had no one to guide me; I was all on my own, working by myself, trying to make sense of what was happening to me and not lose my mind in the process. But I understand now that it had to be this way because now I can help you and guide you on your path of self-discovery; you don't need to be alone in this, and you are not. I will be there for you every step of the way, and you can count on me to tell me anything and everything because I know I've been there, and there is nothing you cannot do or overcome.
So welcome! Having you here and starting this journey together is a blessing and a privilege.
Courses and certifications
- Aaron, Victor & Mat - Full Time Purpose (1-year coaching program)
- Elisa Canali - Overflow Workshop
- Elisa Canali - Magnetic to Millions by Design Mastermind workshop
- Centre of Excellence - Mindfulness diploma
- Mary Morrissey - 3 keys to living an extraordinary life masterclass
- Reese Evans @yessuply - How to plan your coaching session masterclass
- EventRaptor - Steve and Jennie Eriksen - Own your stage 3 days Summit
- Reese Evans @yessuply - Reprogram your mind for abundance
- Reese Evans @yessuply - The Wealth Consciousness Rewiring program
- Reese Evans @yessuply - Coaching tools masterclass